
Can·on: noun \ˈka-nən\

:  an accepted principle or rule

:  a criterion or standard of judgment

:  a body of principles, rules, standards, or norms

Defensive Canon strives to provide its readers with the most straightforward, no-nonsense approach to keeping safe at home, on the street, in the workplace, and wherever else the average citizen may find themselves. The word “canon” implies integrity and truth in what information is provided, therefore Defensive Canon will strive to uphold these values in the information provided to the readers.

This blog  is a place for discussion and learning about self-defense in all manners. No trolling, no nonsense. Just down-to-earth self-defense. Be forewarned, I believe in and advocate gun rights. As such, this blog will be heavily influenced and quite possibly biased towards it though I will be spending time on non-lethal self-defense as well. I hope you enjoy and are able to take something away from what I have to offer.


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